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Yogyakarta is a city located on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is known for its rich history and cultural heritage and is considered one of the most important cultural centers of Indonesia. The city is home to many historic temples and monuments, including the world-famous Borobudur Temple, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Yogyakarta is also a popular tourist destination due to its unique traditional arts, music, dance, and cuisine.

Jomblang Cave, Central Java, Indonesia.jpg

IDR 800,000 /p (min 2 pax)

Go adventure to the deep part of the earth and witness the unique vertical cave with a dense ancient forest below. Get lowered down around 60 - 80 meters and explore the ancient forest inside 250 meters long Jomblang cave and see the ray of light through the hole in the roof of the cave.

Include : AC Coach, Entrance fee in Jomblang, Safety equipment, Insurance 


IDR 200.000 / p (without transport)

Start your tour at Malioboro Street, which is one of the city's most famous shopping districts. Here, you'll find a wide range of shops selling traditional souvenirs, batik clothing, and delicious street food. From Malioboro, head towards Kraton, which is the royal palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. The palace is an impressive example of Javanese architecture, and our guide will explain the history and culture of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. After exploring Kraton, continue your walk to Tamansari, a former royal garden used for meditation and relaxation by the Sultan and his family. The garden features a large pool, bathing pools, and underground tunnels.

Include : Mineral Water & Local GUide

Image by Farhan Abas
Image by aliffian arief


IDR 450,000/p (min 2 pax)

A beautiful little town known as Kotagede was once the capital of the mighty Mataram Empire. The town is a maze of narrow streets, lined with tiny, traditional silversmith shops and mosaic-tiled houses, once the homes of the aristocracy and royal merchants. In this trip, we will bring you flashbacks to the 16th Century to learn about the history of the Mataram Empire. Enjoy the remains from the Mataram epic story and their culture.

Include : Transport, Local Guide, Mineral water, Local Snack, and entrance fee


IDR 500.000 / p (min 2 pax)

Enjoying the view of Mount Merapi is a way to experience ourselves to feel how mystical the volcano is. By taking a jeep to take your surround the former eruption area, tourists know some material and the impact of when it has erupted

Include : Transport & Jeep Tour (90-120 minutes duration) 

Image by Rendy Novantino


IDR 550.000/ p

Borobudur Temple and Selo Griyo Temple are two popular tourist destinations located in Central Java, Indonesia. Borobudur Temple is a massive Buddhist temple complex built in the 9th century, consisting of over 2,000 carved stone reliefs and 504 Buddha statues. Visitors can climb up the temple to enjoy stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. On the other hand, Selo Griyo Temple is a relatively small Hindu temple located on the slope of Mount Merbabu, surrounded by lush greenery and fresh mountain air. Visitors can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and stunning natural scenery while exploring the intricately carved stone structures of the temple. Both temples offer a unique cultural and historical experience for visitors and are definitely worth a visit when in Central Java.

Include : Transport, Mineral Water & Local Guide

Mount Merbabu is a dormant stratovolcano, and its name is taken from the Javanese terms Meru and awu/abu, which together mean "mountain" and "ash," which can be roughly rendered as "Mountain of Ash" in English. The trekking journey is made more delightful by the stunning surroundings, which feature expansive savannas and some forests. Along this journey, Merapi, the adjoining Merbabu Mountain, is clearly seen.

Image by Dan Gilmour
Image by Koes nadi


Day Visit : IDR 350,000 / p (min 2 pax)
Cycling : IDR 700,000 / p (min 2 pax)

Explore the natural beauty of Yogyakarta by visiting Kulon Progo regency. With this trip, we will bring you to explore the "hidden gem" of the west side of Jogjakarta. Beautiful rice-field along the way, and a beautiful waterfall will wait for you there.


Daytrip : IDR 475.000 / p 
Sunrirse : IDR 700,000 / p 

The name ‘dieng’ which literally translates as ‘abode of the Gods’ says all you need to know about this collection small ancient temples set in the remarkable volcanic landscape of the Dieng Plateau. The misty location, sulphurous springs and colored lakes truly make this a place of natural wonder and cultural significance.

Include : AC Coach, 

Image by Awan
Yogyakarta international airport.jpg


Pickup : IDR 450,000 / car / 1-4 persons
Drop off : IDR  350,000 / car / 1-4 persons

We will pick you up / drop of to Yogyakarta International Airport

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